We gratefully accept many kinds of support—find the one that’s right for you by browsing opportunities below.


Goods & Services

ASUW appreciates support through gifts-in-kind, including technology,
food and catering, works of art, or branded apparel.

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Businesses help us extend our reach and without extending our budget
by offering discounts on the goods & services we need to plan
events, programs, and initiatives that serve students.

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Get the word out

Do you work with a community who might be interested in ASUW’s
events and services? Help us spread the news about our ongoing
and upcoming opportunities.

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Support the ASUW Husky Pride Fund

The Husky Pride Fund was created in 2006 by the Associated Students of the University of Washington. The mission of the HPF is to reduce financial barriers that prevent students from fully engaging with the University of Washington. In the Spring of 2014, the Husky Pride Fund Committee awarded 2 scholarships to students studying abroad on Exploration Seminars during Summer or Fall of 2014. The scholarships of $1,250 were awarded to assist students in covering the cost of travel & tuition. Overall, the purpose of the fund is to invoke Husky Pride in our students and enrich the UW experience for all members of the greater University community.

husky on top of machu picchu ellisha rosli

Donate Online

Make a gift the Husky Pride Fund from the comfort of your living room
by using our online donation portal. Whether it’s one-time, monthly,
or recurring, every dollar furthers global engagement for UW students.

Give now

HPF t-shirt

HPF T-Shirt

The 2015-2016 Husky Pride Fund t-shirt is here! Thanks to our decade
long partnership with the University Bookstore, all proceeds from
the HPF t-shirt go directly to the scholarship.

Buy online


HPF Socks

In 2015, we teamed up with local athletic sock manufacturer Strideline
to design the HPF socks. Like the t-shirt, they’re a great way to show
your Husky pride in style and support Huskies at the same time.

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